Challenges and Contests

13 min read

Deviation Actions

Egil21's avatar
My Gallery

Cupcake Divider by xcrimson-kissesx

:iconhellothereplz:Hello dear friends and deviants!

Please take some time to be informed about some current activities, challenges and contests:





All members of
:iconthefavouriteshowcase: :iconglobal-photos: :iconsoulcollectors: :iconallartsupport: :icontraditionalpainting: :iconnature-paradise: :iconwow-macros: :iconnine-muses:
are welcome to join!

Monthly Theme: COLOUR BLUE
Find here thefavouriteshowcase.deviantar… the current theme, open until the 20th

Accepted Medium:
All visual media

Accepted works:
old or new, 1 per challenge, 2 if you are a member of TheFavouriteShowcase

Submission period:
1st day of the month - 20th day of the month

1st place - 100 Points
2nd place - 75 Points
3rd place - 50 Points
4th place - 25 Points

All info: thefavouriteshowcase.deviantar…

Bullet; Green Any donations to this group are very welcome

here :iconthefavouritecontests::iconthefavouritecontest2: (click on the stamp)


Open to all dA members

Theme: New Beginnings - you may interpret as you wish and you may use any medium (except literature).

Accepted Medium: All visual media

Accepted works:
old or new (preferentially), following the given theme

Submission period:
until the 13th March 2016.


Bullet; Green 1st prize - 6 months of Core Membership or 2400 points
Bullet; Green 2nd prize - 3 months of Core Membership or 1200 points
Bullet; Green 3rd prize - 1 month of Core Membership or 400 points
Bullet; Green Points for participants to complete the total if they have already collected some points to be Core.

All info:

WINNERS ANNOUNCEMENTHello my friends, watchers and deviant artists,
After analysing all the entries (journals included), I'm ready to announce the winners of this contest:
As I had more than 50 participants, there are two winners for the 1st place, two winners for the 2nd place and also for the 3rd place,
:clap: and they are
(6 months of Core Membership or 2400 points)

Journal  CONTEST 4000+ points or Core status
:iconbuntcone:  Wins 6 months of Core Membership

Journal CONTEST +than 4000 points or Core status
:iconnattymonnoir:  wins 6 months of Core Membership
(3 months of Core Membership or 1200 points)

Journal CONTEST +than 4000 po

We Heart to feature your work!

:bademoticon:  Some of the Invisible - less than 25 :+fav:s

Spring flowers by zhaleh  Soaked Butterfly by eyeluvroses

Stormy Tide II by NYLB43  bouquet by nena211

Dexter Morgan by radarlove413 

Sailing by Ittarius 

the value of the news read. by angevla  06227 by Ikarusthefirst

The Little Lady of Summer by avaquete 

Orc Beastmaster by Flowlow  Polar Bears Groove by taibossigai

A cottage in the woods by Xaoc-God  Koziol by Concini

:o) by MamaMika 

Jon Snow by ValentiArt  Commission #13 by ArtByBryanna

:bademoticon: Some of a talented and supportive friend

JocelyneR :iconjocelyner:

Very Young Mother by JocelyneR  Abandoned Barn by JocelyneR

The Pearls Of My Summer by JocelyneR  Bored... by JocelyneR

The Blue Jay by JocelyneR  Purple Aster by JocelyneR

:bademoticon: Some of a Portuguese Photographer

AntonioGouveia :iconantoniogouveia:


Serenity by AntonioGouveia 

Harbour View by AntonioGouveia

:bademoticon: Some of the Founder's Favourites…

Butterfly Garden by LashelleValentine  Omoi  thought by Avoice

The Last Kiss by debNise  Converse by PurpleKettu

Hard Work Day by joannapasek  Castle on Hill by GwilymG 

 SMITE Chiron by Scebiqu  Just around the corner... by NeoNative

The Inner Self by Chicchan5  Friesian Beauty by SerenataPhotography  Ghotic interior in watercolor - video tutorial by GreeGW 

  y by MarcosRodriguez

Here Without You by artistamroashry  Photostudy for practice by vurdeM

Far away from home by BaxiaArt  Enchantress by annewipf

Entangled by Sirinne  zludzenia by xxMagicGlowxx  Mistress by WilliamGuevaraArt

Absinthe by leevolt   Orlando Bloom by hwaetmere


An Immram - The Voyage by AelinLaerFineArt Nicola Haste Chapman PIXIWOO by Yankeestyle94 Last Encounter by Sikoian

Indestructible by carinamaiwald  East Shore Tahoe December Evening by sellsworth

  the dreaming by Ahau2

 In vino veritas by Prodius-Anna Mila by AH86

 Memories Of Whistler by HamidM  30 sn by sakaoglu

 Red Rose by avyva

Heart bum Thank you for sharing your art!

Elsa, Egil21 

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BrunoIsidro's avatar
Thank you so much for the invitation! :highfive:

How and where do I submit my artworks for this contest?